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Private Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification Program (PARP)
Private Applicators, be sure to check the expiration date on your permit.
Beginning January 1, 2001, a new process for renewing your Private Applicator
Certification and permit to purchase and apply restricted use pesticides went into effect.
You are no longer required to attend a training session and take a written exam
through the County Extension Office. You can now renew your permit by:
- Completing and mailing an application form with $10.00 for the permit fee to the Office of the Indiana State Chemist. This must
be done by December 31 of the year your permit expires.
- Attend three approved continuing certification programs for Private Applicators during
the five years of your permit term. A fee of $10 will be charged for each of the
three sessions. You cannot attend more than two sessions in any one calendar year.
If you choose not to attend three sessions during the five years of your permit, you
can take the Pesticide Core Exam at regional sites.
Producers that currently do not have a permit will need to obtain a Pesticide
Applicator Core Manual and pass the Pesticide Core Exam.
reprinted from LaPorte County Agri-Scope, a publication of the LaPorte
County Extension Office
Click here for more information on
Click here for
upcoming Pesticide Core Exam Dates
Click here for
upcoming Pesticide Recertification Programs in Northwestern Indiana