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I.M.A.G.E. Services
I.M.A.G.E. Services Offer...
I.M.A.G.E. Services Offered  09/25/03 3:14:28 PM

Field Boundaries – A geo-referenced outline of your field, which provides latitudinal & longitudinal coordinates of your field outline. Also provides a very accurate acreage figure for the field.

Veris Mapping Measures and maps the exchange capacity of your farm, which provides a very reliable basis for soil sampling zones, seeding rates, soil fertility, and water-holding capacity of your soils. Only needs to be done once per field to provide a valuable basis for field management.

Grid Sampling w/ Standard Results – Soil sampling by 2.5 acre grids allow for more accurate representation of field fertility levels. These can be used then as a standard for variable rate applications. Standard results include organic matter, phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, magnesium, calcium, soil pH, buffer pH, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation of cation elements. Will provide printed maps upon completion of sample areas, soil pH levels, potassium levels, phosphorus levels, CEC levels, and organic matter levels. If required, will also provide variable rate lime and nutrient maps. Also includes fertility recommendations based on the results.

Grid Sampling w/ Micros – All the above, plus results and maps for sulfur, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, and boron.

Sampling by Management Zones w/ Standard Results – Management zones are areas in the field that share similar characteristics like topography, soil type, cropping history, and fertility management. The most accurate way to determine management zones are by Veris Mapping, although they can also be determined in the field at sampling time, although not as accurately or reliably. This service will provide results for organic matter, phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, magnesium, calcium, soil pH, buffer pH, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation of cation elements, as well as a map of the field noting sampling locations. Will also provide recommendations based on the samples.

Sampling by Management Zones w/ Micros – All the above, plus results and recommendations for sulfur, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, and boron.

Variable Rate Lime Application – Application of lime based off grid sample results that are varied on-the-go by geo-referencing recommendations with applicators location.

I.M.A.G.E. Management – A recordkeeping and management decision tool that provides for all agronomic activities to be logged and referenced by field. By attaching a cost value to all activities, year-end decisions can be made by comparing any and all activities such as yield, fertility levels, field history, and many others. Provides the basis for sound financial decisions to be made based on a field-by-field, year-by-year basis. Also allows for “what-if” type scenarios that explore different opportunities at the field, and whole farm level. Once the basic information is provided to FFSI, can print multiple reports, options, and records that assist growers year to year.

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