Our Position 02/08/18 9:42:56 AM
Farm Fertilizers & Seeds recognizes the new herbicide tolerant traits, particularly Xtend soybeans and Enlist Soybeans, carry tremendous value to area growers. We also realize that, if not managed properly, these programs carry inherent risk from the herbicides used in them. Off target movement to sensitive crops and areas, program failure due to size and timing of products to weeds, and eventual weed resistance to more herbicides are just a few of the larger concerns. Because of this, we recognize the need to communicate our position on the use of these programs. Alternative programs including timely residual herbicides and earlier applications of contact herbicides like Flexstar have been shown to be very effective at controlling problem weeds. Please consider alternative programs like these prior to jumping into post emerge programs that contain dicamba or 2,4D. Farm Fertilizers & Seeds will partner with growers interested in using these new traits to develop a sound agronomic program for their weed control needs that include pre-emerge residual herbicides at labeled rates. We will not apply dicamba or 2,4D products in crop on any soybeans that did not receive an approved pre-emerge residual herbicide. Application timing of dicamba or 2,4D in crop will be at the sole discretion of Farm Fertilizers & Seeds applicators and in total accordance with the label. We reserve the right to not make an application if it carries any potential risks to neighboring crops, households, or sensitive areas, even if the label may make it possible. Applications in-crop of dicamba or 2,4D products will be charged an additional fee of $2 an acre above our regular post-emerge application rates. These charges are necessary to cover the additional risk of these applications as well as the time and materials to clean out properly in accordance to the label of these products. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your local Farm Fertilizers & Seeds location or representative.