Aglime Basics
Lime is Lime...Right?
Lime is Lime...Right?  11/02/01 9:13:19 AM

Lime is Lime...Right?

All liming materials are not created equally.  There are several factors that determine the quality and effectiveness of aglime.  "Relative Neutralizing Value", or RNV, is the measurement of just how quickly and effectively the aglime applied to your field will affect the pH of the soil.  RNV takes into account chemical makeup of the lime, just how much CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM are in the lime, as well as fineness of grind.  The more CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM there is and the finer the grind, the higher the RNV will be and the better the quality of the lime.  This is due to the fact that the higher the CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM, the better the soil buffering, and the finer the aglime, the quicker it will work in the soil.

When we look for aglime materials, we always look for the best RNV for the dollar.   Here is an example.  We prefer to use the FINE AGLIME from VULCAN MATERIALS at Francesville, IN.  Their aglime has a RNV of 73.4.  for our example, let's assume that this material can be spread for $15.50/tn.  A lesser grade aglime, with a RNV of 50.8 that is available in our area, would have to be applied at $10.70/tn to receive equivalent value for you aglime dollar!

Remember when choosing aglime, don't alway look for the lowest price, make sure you look for the best RNV for your dollar, because not all lime is alike.  Farm Fertilizers is your best source in Northwest Indiana for high quality aglime & application.

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